It’s All About Balance: Home HVAC Systems and Humidity
Humidity is a big problem in our part of the country. If it gets out of hand, humidity can lead to water damage that is costly to repair. Indoor humidity levels need to be monitored with an efficient residential HVAC system to prevent water damage in your home. Air quality can also be effectively monitored and controlled with an HVAC system, and proper regulation is not only a sure way to keep residents healthy but also a great way to save extra money.
An unbalanced HVAC system will run hot, often resulting in higher energy bills and a drain on your expenses every month. Ventilation is the key to reducing humidity, and good ventilation is contingent upon proper air filtration. Keeping the air in circulation is extremely important.

Humidity is a natural part of our environment in the South. But too much humidity, especially when confined to indoor spaces, can negatively affect residents. Effective HVAC systems can protect homeowners and their families from harmful exposure to contaminants. Airborne spores from mold or mildew are detrimental to the immune system and can contribute to respiratory problems.
Odor can be an indication that something is out of balance with your HVAC system. If moisture is allowed to accumulate in your home, a distinct mildew smell may become apparent. If you notice this or any other issues with you indoor air quality, consult a professional before the damage gets out of hand. Better to take preventative measures than be forced to invest time and money in inconvenient repair efforts.
For an assessment of your humidity levels, call Carolina Comfort today!
It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, or even what day it is. When your AC unit needs repairs right now, then our emergency HVAC technicians are ready 24/7 to help. If you have an AC emergency that just can’t wait, then call us to get the best emergency service in South Carolina.

5636 Bush River Rd.
Columbia, SC 29212
SC License – #M104545
NC License – #32356
Phone: (803) 794-5526