The Right HVAC Products to Address Indoor Air Quality Concerns
Indoor air can be contaminated by dust, mold, and pollutants. They impact your health and make it more difficult to keep your house clean. Fortunately, HVAC products make for an easy first defense against dirty indoor air.
Testing Quickly Identifies Indoor Air Quality Problems
The air ducts running throughout your home can become filled with dust, dirt, and debris. Mold or mildew can begin to grow as well. These pollutants can contaminate your air every time it runs through your ducts – in other words, whenever you run your heat or central air.

The first step when it comes to addressing indoor air quality issues is to get an assessment. Carolina Comfort, Inc. has the tools and expertise you need to identify the pollutants moving through these passageways and recommend ways to improve your air in just a few hours.
Repair, Replace, and Upgrade Existing HVAC Products
Our company has access to all the latest developments in heating, cooling, and air quality control. Your HVAC unit can be modified to include an air filtration device. We can also seal your ductwork or replace an older system with a new, high efficiency model to help your air stay clean.
If your family has been experiencing a high number of colds, increased allergy symptoms, or migraines, you may have problems with the quality of your indoor air. HVAC products sold over infomercials or in big box stores often do little to solve the problem. Work with heating and cooling professionals to clean up the dirty air inside your home, and get back to breathing easy.
Call to find out which HVAC products will best clean the air in your home.
It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, or even what day it is. When your AC unit needs repairs right now, then our emergency HVAC technicians are ready 24/7 to help. If you have an AC emergency that just can’t wait, then call us to get the best emergency service in South Carolina.

5636 Bush River Rd.
Columbia, SC 29212
SC License – #M104545
NC License – #32356
Phone: (803) 794-5526