When do you need Emergency Heating Repair? Here’s how to know.
Heating repair isn’t always about staying comfortable or keeping your bills low. Sometimes it becomes necessary to keep people healthy and safe.
But because we assume we’re safe indoors, we don’t always see the warning signs. Many frugal homeowners accidentally create problems by lowering their thermostat too low at night, not realizing that lower temperatures could put loved ones at risk. People who are ill, very young, very old, or are otherwise susceptible to the cold may start exhibiting signs of hypothermia even when the temperature is still in the 60s.

If you see one of the following signs, immediately take steps to get warmer and call a trusted HVAC professional for emergency furnace repair:
- Shivering stops – For infants and others who are non-verbal, shivering is one of the important signs to look for when temperatures drop. Take steps to warm the person up, but beware. As hypothermia progresses, shivering stops, so if temperatures remain low and someone stops shivering without intervention, it may be time to head to the hospital.
- Dizziness, nausea, and fatigue – While being common side effects of other conditions or medications, dizziness, nausea and a serious lack of energy can also be a result of a falling body temperature.
- General confusion or trouble speaking – As the brain works overtime trying to normalize the body when it’s under severe stress, cognitive processes suffer. If someone is struggling to speak or an infant has a very weak cry, hypothermia may be at play.
Saving a few dollars by keeping indoor temperatures low or by postponing service calls may bring the risk of serious health problems. Prevent them by contacting Carolina Comfort, Inc. for emergency heating repair. Call today.
It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, or even what day it is. When your AC unit needs repairs right now, then our emergency HVAC technicians are ready 24/7 to help. If you have an AC emergency that just can’t wait, then call us to get the best emergency service in South Carolina.

5636 Bush River Rd.
Columbia, SC 29212
SC License – #M104545
NC License – #32356
Phone: (803) 794-5526