Practices to Help Improve My Heater’s Efficiency This Winter
Did you know your heaters energy efficiency can be realized in just a few simple steps?
Residential Heat Pump
Wouldn’t you love to improve your HVAC energy efficiency and both shrink your monthly bills and your impact on the planet? Carolina Comfort, Inc., can help. We offer our customers several methods for becoming more budget and environmentally friendly.
Check out the latest energy efficient options in heating and cooling:
Solar power is seeing a comeback.
If you’re in the market for truly green options, your best bet is a solar power array or geothermal heating and cooling unit. These technologies have seen big improvements over the past decade, and today they are compatible with many traditional heating and cooling systems. Speak with one of our specialists about our most efficient units available.

Heat pumps save energy..
Many homeowners think of heating and cooling as a furnace and air conditioner, but Columbia residents have several options. A heat pump both heats and cools your home, and because it uses heat transference to do most of the work, you use much less energy and create less waste.
Even humidifiers can make a big difference.
If you’re not ready to make such a big investment, talk to one of our technicians about more affordable ways to stretch your HVAC power. Adding a humidifying element is manageable for most budgets and it has a surprising impact on your comfort and your bills. Changing the filter you’re using is another inexpensive way of lowering your energy use without sacrifice.
Click this link to schedule an energy efficiency consultation with our team at Carolina Comfort, Inc., and put our expertise to work. Visit us online, or call us at (803) 794-5526.
It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, or even what day it is. When your AC unit needs repairs right now, then our emergency HVAC technicians are ready 24/7 to help. If you have an AC emergency that just can’t wait, then call us to get the best emergency service in South Carolina.

5636 Bush River Rd.
Columbia, SC 29212
SC License – #M104545
NC License – #32356
Phone: (803) 794-5526